Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh the surprises...

I didn't have much time to spend at the barn this evening, but wanted to spend a few minutes handling and grooming Ty. He's in need of a good farrier visit, which is scheduled for Wednesday. His feet are pretty dry so I wanted to get some conditioner on them tonight and it was another opportunity to work on him holding up his feet.

Since working with his feet went well, I decided to start working my way back to his tail and was hoping to make that look a little more presentable. I hadn't ventured towards his back end since last week when we put him on the trailer and I got a swift kick to remind me I had gotten too close, I likely bumped him in an area that was still tender from his gelding, but I wasn't taking any chances of heading towards his back end until he was more comfortable with me. Tonight as I ventured towards brushing out his tail, I found the largest rats nest I've ever come across. The very top part of his tail hangs down normally and just under that is the largest mat of hair I've ever seen! I don't know if we'll get it out, but we put half of a bottle of baby oil on it. We'll see what we can save, the rest of it will be chopped off. The good thing with hair is that it grows back. Every day has truly brought up new surprises both good and bad. I can't wait to see Ty in a year when he's conditioned and all groomed up to show.

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