Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2010 Show Season in Photos

Double click on the photo to view the entire album.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Back to Work

After not getting to the barn for two days, I put Roze and Ty to work today.

Ty got lunged and he looks 100%. He was still a bit naughty, having not been worked in a month, he'd let out an exuberant buck or hop on the lunge. After a bit I decided it was time to hop on. He was a bit tense, and threw in one buck but we got a quite a bit of walk and a little trot. I think in about a month or so he should be back to where he was.

I put Roze on the lunge today outside and she acted as if she had never been lunged before, even though she was on the lunge just two days ago. Deciding that we'd had a enough of lunging I just jumped on her bareback. She was a perfect angel. Put her head down and went to work, the diva is officially back. I'll continue to work her back slowly, hopefully she'll be back in the show ring next year!

It was a great day to have both of my horses back to work.