Monday, December 10, 2012

Exceeding Expectations

Our plans for Caden this winter were to slowly get him started under saddle. We set reasonable goals for him and had just planned to let him take things on in his time.

When we returned from Devon we set to work getting him working consistently at the walk. Judy Westlake held a clinic mid-November and ready or not I took Caden to his first big under saddle outing and test. He went through the exercises with relative ease. On the second day of the clinic he had retained what he learned the day before and we were able to move forward. Caden demonstrated a very fancy lengthened trot and we even got the canter, a gait I had not even planned to attempt until the beginning of the new year.

Returning back to our home barn, Caden has gotten better and better. We have ventured out of the ring on our first trail ride, where Caden preferred to lead bravely than follow. He has consistently improved with each ride and has begun to play with the leg yield. I am so excited for what he will accomplish in the coming year.

Caden also had his photo published in the December 2012 issue of the Equine Journal, another souvenir from our trip to Dressage at Devon. Click the link below to view the issue.

Equine Journal - December 2012

We will be be venturing out for one last lesson and the Caden will get a much deserved rest for several weeks. Check back in at the beginning of the new year for more updates. Until then we wish all our friends and acquaintances a very happy holiday season!