Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Progress Continues

So I've been very busy lately riding horses and haven't had much time to blog.

Ty continues to progress very well. We've been working on cantering and getting bend when we circle. His canter is so smooth and big, its a ton of fun to ride. I can't wait until he really begins collecting, it will be even more fun. We went to another schooling show at the Quentin show grounds about two weeks ago. It did not go as smoothly as our first show. There were a lot of horses and also a jumping course and I could sense that Ty was definitely out of his comfort zone. He did ok in the warm up ring, but when we into the show ring he kind of lost his focus and was spooking. He didn't like riding up to the horse trailer where the judge was sitting. The topper of the day was as we came around the far corner and he was about to step out of the ring, I tried to push him back in and instead of moving in, he jumped out and I landed on my head. We did manage to finish our second ride although it wasn't very pretty. Ty had some time off last week and now he's back to work. I'm hoping to take him to Twin Brooks tomorrow night and just school him on the grounds, there's always a ton going on so its good practice for him.

Roze has also been coming along nicely. I've been riding her a few days a week and she seems pretty sound. She has a slight hitch on her right hock where it is fusing, but otherwise seems thrilled to be back to work. I am hoping after a couple good weeks of walk/trot I'll be able to get her back to cantering and then we can look at putting her back in the show ring.

I'm looking forward to July being a productive month with both horses, stay tuned for details.

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