So the days are finally starting to get a bit longer, the snow is slowly melting, and the horses are beginning to show the first hints of shedding their winter coats. This time of year for many signals that spring and warmer days are a head, however for me the show season count down officially begins. We're just three months away from our first planned show of the season and of course there is still so much to learn and prepare for.
Roze has healed very well from her Christmas day fiasco. She's back to work, albeit a bit out of shape again, but full of energy and feisty. We're schooling second and third level movements, hoping she'll debut at second level this spring and garner enough points this year to achieve her Legion of Honor. We'll also head back to the Hunter Pleasure ring where she enjoys showing at the hand gallop. We'll allow her to work as long as she's comfortable and happy doing so.

Ty continues to be amazing. I continually have to remind myself that he's still a baby under saddle. He's very easy going and just an all around wonderful horse to work with. We intend for him to debut at first level in the spring and to show second level by the end of summer. We'll continue to move him up as he's ready.

“None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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