I always find myself getting a bit anxious this time of year. It's between holidays and still too early to seriously think about next year's shows. I find myself having to sit on my hands and not push my horses too much too soon. December always seems to bring a peak from our fall training push, it would be great to have some shows around to gauge our progress, before taking the next few weeks easy while winter throws its worse at us. We'll be looking forward to an early spring to continue our plans and of course show!
One of our last hoorays before the inevitable freeze, was hosting a Dancing with Horses Clinic. It was great to see many of our friends and of course Roze and Ty were able to participate. I had rode Ty in one of these clinics a few months back, but he has progressed so much in his training that I knew there would be some changes. Sure enough his tempo has changed as he has collected more, so we got some exciting Cajun style music to ride to. I also rode Roze, she hasn't been out in awhile and relished the attention and chance to show off. We'll be working on choreographing a musical freestyle for Ty this winter for the next show season. Interesting enough, the NJ Arab shows are now offering musical freestyle classes, so there is a lot to look forward to!
So for the next few weeks, we'll be waiting out winter, quietly enjoying our horses and keeping them in shape, while laying plans for next year.
We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with as much hope and excitement as we have here at Roze Arabians.