So after being treated for Lyme disease this summer, Roze was still off on her right hind after 60 days of Doxy. I decided to take her to another vet who specializes in lameness issues. X-rays were taken of her right hock and a strange spot was found around her calcanues and talus bones. The vet didn't know what the spot was.
In hopes of getting a definite diagnosis I sent Roze's x-rays to New Bolton. Fortunately a vet there was able to diagnose the issue as arthritis that had developed between these two bones. Apparently it is rare and uncommon for this to be an issue in this location. They recommended fusing the joints to allow Roze to go back to work. New Bolton has not performed this surgery in the past. So still searching for an answer I contacted a surgeon at Purdue University who has performed similar surgeries. He was cautiously optimistic that this could help Roze.
We'll be going back to the local vet to get some more images and he'll consult with the Purdue surgeon at the beginning of the year. I'm hoping we can find a solution for Roze to get back to work. She loves to work more than anything. I'm currently trying multiple supplements to help ease the discomfort. We're hoping for a permenant solution in the New Year.