So after being treated for Lyme disease this summer, Roze was still off on her right hind after 60 days of Doxy. I decided to take her to another vet who specializes in lameness issues. X-rays were taken of her right hock and a strange spot was found around her calcanues and talus bones. The vet didn't know what the spot was.
In hopes of getting a definite diagnosis I sent Roze's x-rays to New Bolton. Fortunately a vet there was able to diagnose the issue as arthritis that had developed between these two bones. Apparently it is rare and uncommon for this to be an issue in this location. They recommended fusing the joints to allow Roze to go back to work. New Bolton has not performed this surgery in the past. So still searching for an answer I contacted a surgeon at Purdue University who has performed similar surgeries. He was cautiously optimistic that this could help Roze.
We'll be going back to the local vet to get some more images and he'll consult with the Purdue surgeon at the beginning of the year. I'm hoping we can find a solution for Roze to get back to work. She loves to work more than anything. I'm currently trying multiple supplements to help ease the discomfort. We're hoping for a permenant solution in the New Year.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
So I've been very bad at getting updates on this blog. I don't know where the time seems to go. If you would like more frequent updates you can follow us on Facebook.
Ty has continued to progress very well. My trainer rode him for the first time last week and was impressed with his gaits. I've posted a brief video to commemorate Ty's first one hundred days under saddle.
My mare Roze has finally been given some hope, we took a trip to Dr. Shoemaker who diagnosed her with Lyme and made several other suggestions to get her back on the road to work. She's started on antibiotics and we hope to have her back to showing next year.
Ty has continued to progress very well. My trainer rode him for the first time last week and was impressed with his gaits. I've posted a brief video to commemorate Ty's first one hundred days under saddle.
My mare Roze has finally been given some hope, we took a trip to Dr. Shoemaker who diagnosed her with Lyme and made several other suggestions to get her back on the road to work. She's started on antibiotics and we hope to have her back to showing next year.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rail Classes
I took Ty out to Twin Brooks tonight, they have Wednesday night schooling shows throughout the summer for mostly pleasure classes. It's great schooling for ring classes. I took Ty again tonight in and we showed in a walk/trot class. He placed 3rd out of 7 horses.
Ty's big issue is that he doesn't like horses cantering around him or any horses coming towards him. He gets wigged out by it. So we had some time to warm up before our class and after a couple of laps he settled in pretty well. During our class he was perfect with very few bobbles. He's been getting the hang of it.
We're planning to attend another schooling dressage show in August. I'm also working on getting Roze back into the swing of things. Her right hock is fusing and some days it gives her trouble. I'm hoping to get her back in the HP classes next year.
Ty's big issue is that he doesn't like horses cantering around him or any horses coming towards him. He gets wigged out by it. So we had some time to warm up before our class and after a couple of laps he settled in pretty well. During our class he was perfect with very few bobbles. He's been getting the hang of it.
We're planning to attend another schooling dressage show in August. I'm also working on getting Roze back into the swing of things. Her right hock is fusing and some days it gives her trouble. I'm hoping to get her back in the HP classes next year.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Progress Continues
So I've been very busy lately riding horses and haven't had much time to blog.
Ty continues to progress very well. We've been working on cantering and getting bend when we circle. His canter is so smooth and big, its a ton of fun to ride. I can't wait until he really begins collecting, it will be even more fun. We went to another schooling show at the Quentin show grounds about two weeks ago. It did not go as smoothly as our first show. There were a lot of horses and also a jumping course and I could sense that Ty was definitely out of his comfort zone. He did ok in the warm up ring, but when we into the show ring he kind of lost his focus and was spooking. He didn't like riding up to the horse trailer where the judge was sitting. The topper of the day was as we came around the far corner and he was about to step out of the ring, I tried to push him back in and instead of moving in, he jumped out and I landed on my head. We did manage to finish our second ride although it wasn't very pretty. Ty had some time off last week and now he's back to work. I'm hoping to take him to Twin Brooks tomorrow night and just school him on the grounds, there's always a ton going on so its good practice for him.
Roze has also been coming along nicely. I've been riding her a few days a week and she seems pretty sound. She has a slight hitch on her right hock where it is fusing, but otherwise seems thrilled to be back to work. I am hoping after a couple good weeks of walk/trot I'll be able to get her back to cantering and then we can look at putting her back in the show ring.
I'm looking forward to July being a productive month with both horses, stay tuned for details.
Ty continues to progress very well. We've been working on cantering and getting bend when we circle. His canter is so smooth and big, its a ton of fun to ride. I can't wait until he really begins collecting, it will be even more fun. We went to another schooling show at the Quentin show grounds about two weeks ago. It did not go as smoothly as our first show. There were a lot of horses and also a jumping course and I could sense that Ty was definitely out of his comfort zone. He did ok in the warm up ring, but when we into the show ring he kind of lost his focus and was spooking. He didn't like riding up to the horse trailer where the judge was sitting. The topper of the day was as we came around the far corner and he was about to step out of the ring, I tried to push him back in and instead of moving in, he jumped out and I landed on my head. We did manage to finish our second ride although it wasn't very pretty. Ty had some time off last week and now he's back to work. I'm hoping to take him to Twin Brooks tomorrow night and just school him on the grounds, there's always a ton going on so its good practice for him.
Roze has also been coming along nicely. I've been riding her a few days a week and she seems pretty sound. She has a slight hitch on her right hock where it is fusing, but otherwise seems thrilled to be back to work. I am hoping after a couple good weeks of walk/trot I'll be able to get her back to cantering and then we can look at putting her back in the show ring.
I'm looking forward to July being a productive month with both horses, stay tuned for details.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
First Schooling Show
So it's been a little while since my last post. Ty continues to be spectacular. Last weekend in our lesson we cantered for the first time. He smoothly went into the canter in both directions, of course he was unbalanced, but it was very smooth and exciting.

This past week we just took things slowly and worked on steering and work under saddle. Ty also got his ears clipped, which he was not happy about, but we got past it.
Today we went to a dressage schooling show. After getting lost on our way to the show grounds, we arrived a half hour behind schedule but were able to get ready in time for our class.
Ty was well behaved for his first time out. The judges tent at the end of the ring was a little scary and Ty actually showed a little attitude at me having the whip with a kick out. It's good to know there's some fire in there. We received a 63.5% for Intro A and a 66.5% for Intro B. For three weeks under saddle with maybe a dozen rides, I could not be more thrilled at Ty's progress. We're looking at the show schedule to see what else may be available this summer.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
First Trail Ride
Well not a long trail ride, but we went out with Pam and her Halflinger, Marcus, around the back fields. You would never know that this was Ty's fourth ride under saddle. He even led for half the ride and only shied once when the tree branches brushed our helmets. Every day he amazes me. He was such a trooper today. I think I now trust him enough to ride him alone at least at the walk and trot without getting killed. He's so different from Roze its been a hard adjustment for me going from a hot tamale to a cool cucumber, but I'm adjusting. We've signed up for a schooling show to ride Intro A and B in two weeks so we're going to start practicing our tests and see how he does.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
First Trip

Yesterday I ventured out with Ty to attend a clinic with Judy Westlake at Sarah's place. The day was rather uneventful, which is amazing for a green horse taking his second trailer ride.
Ty was a bit difficult to catch in the morning, but Roze was not helping the cause teasing him from over the fence. Ty loaded very easily, once on the road he was pawing for awhile, we later learned he pulled the mats off my trailer wall, a small price to pay. He did not paw on the ride home.
He hung out in a stall while we waited for our lesson time. He was very calm the entire day. When it was time to work we tacked him up and lunged him for a few minutes in the lower arena. He was so calm I decided to just put him to work.

Judy gave me some great tips for steering and getting Ty around corners. Ty walked and trotted all over the arena and never once spooked. Near the end of our lesson we put Ty back on the lunge line and had our first canter under saddle, we will definately have to work on that one.

Ty was a super star. Considering he was standing in a pasture 6 weeks ago as an intact colt with very little handling, he has come leaps in bounds in such a short time.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Our First Ride
So Sarah came up today for a lesson. I was expecting to work Ty on lunge and get him trotting well, but Sarah had other plans. We did start on the lunge and Ty was great as usual. Less than half way through our lesson Sarah felt it was time to take Ty off the line. So off we went at the walk around the arena and then off we went at the trot. Ty is a super star and has absolutely taken every thing in stride and perfectly in every way. I've posted some pics of our first ride, excuse my position we have some adjustments that need to be made to get the saddle in balance, which Sarah pointed out, I'll work on getting some pads to try on underneath it. Ty still has a lot of growing to do so we'll hold off on the saddle fitter for a bit. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I may be able to take him to an Arab show at the end of June, if not we'll definitely make it out to several schooling shows this summer :D

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ty Gets a Bath

After a hard workout
This doesn't make you clean

Handsome & Clean
Ty has been doing extremely well lunging and working in side reins and lunging the last few days. Ty was quite spunky today, he hadn't been worked or handled in two days due to my schedule. Today was the first day I put SMBs on him so when I tacked him up and let him run around a bit he went hopping and bucking around the arena. I've never seen him buck before so it was quite hysterical. Fortunately, after getting his kicks out, he worked well on the lunge line and is beginning to understand voice commands of walk, trot and canter.
After lunging I decided to get onto him again. My husband was there to help so I had my husband lead Ty around while I was on him. Again another eventful day under saddle. My trainer is coming up for a lesson next weekend and we'll start long lining him so hopefully soon I'll actually be able to ride him.
Since having an extra hand today I also decided it was time to get Ty cleaned up. He hasn't had a bath in who knows how long. He again took everything in stride. He wasn't thrilled but tolerated the scrubbing. I didn't bother doing his face today since I wanted his first experience to be as pleasant as possible. He's now shiny and clean.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Ty's Under Saddle
So this week has been a little light. On Friday night we put a saddle on Ty for the first time and played around a bit on getting up on the mounting block above him and tapping on the saddle to get him used to the noise.
Yesterday we worked on getting used to clippers, he's good with them anywhere except his ears, so we can work with that.
Today my hubby was around to help, so I decided to go ahead and see if he was up for being backed. I put the saddle on him and dropped the stirrups so he got used to something on his sides and lunged him for a few minutes as usual without any incident. So once I was done lunging him I decided to go ahead and work on getting up on him. I stood in the stirrup and put some good weight into it, no reaction. Then I went ahead and thew a leg over his back and I was officially on Ty. He didn't do anything. I hopped off and we walked him around for a little but and I got back up on him, again no reaction.
I'm very proud of Ty. He's taken everything we've thrown at him and he just takes it all in stide. This week I'm going to work on lunging him some more and probably work on trying to get him on a trailer again. That may be our biggest challenge.
Yesterday we worked on getting used to clippers, he's good with them anywhere except his ears, so we can work with that.
Today my hubby was around to help, so I decided to go ahead and see if he was up for being backed. I put the saddle on him and dropped the stirrups so he got used to something on his sides and lunged him for a few minutes as usual without any incident. So once I was done lunging him I decided to go ahead and work on getting up on him. I stood in the stirrup and put some good weight into it, no reaction. Then I went ahead and thew a leg over his back and I was officially on Ty. He didn't do anything. I hopped off and we walked him around for a little but and I got back up on him, again no reaction.
I'm very proud of Ty. He's taken everything we've thrown at him and he just takes it all in stide. This week I'm going to work on lunging him some more and probably work on trying to get him on a trailer again. That may be our biggest challenge.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
He's a Keeper
Ty was very good tonight. He walked up to meet me at the gate and let me halter him without any issue. Once inside he did a few laps around the indoor, I think he does this just for giggles, then he came up and let me groom him and pick his feet out without being held or tied.
The ultimate test was going to the right on the lunge line. I put him on the lunge without side reins and he did very well, he was even stretching down without the side reins on. I put him in side reins for a few laps, no fighting and no resistance. I let him go with that.
Even with the pouring rain and the fuss of all the horses he was very mellow and well behaved tonight, I guess he was trying to make up for last night, but he smoothed me over enough tonight that I've decided to let him stay another week ;)
The ultimate test was going to the right on the lunge line. I put him on the lunge without side reins and he did very well, he was even stretching down without the side reins on. I put him in side reins for a few laps, no fighting and no resistance. I let him go with that.
Even with the pouring rain and the fuss of all the horses he was very mellow and well behaved tonight, I guess he was trying to make up for last night, but he smoothed me over enough tonight that I've decided to let him stay another week ;)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
To the Right, To the Right...
All you have to do is lunge to the right... I was signing to Ty this evening trying to get him to go the right. He was being very stubborn and very unwilling to go the right this evening. I put him in side reins, which seemed to not phase him. To the left he was perfect. Started him to the right, at first he'd just stop and I got so I could catch him before he completely stopped, then he learned I could catch that and he would just quickly pivot to the left. He was just being a complete stinker tonight. After 45 minutes of fighting him and keeping him moving I finally got so I could stop him and then ask him to go again. I did this about five times and called it a night. Sounds like we're only going to work to the right this week. He's very one sided.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
First Day In Side Reins

I also got to spend a little time with Roze. The vet gave me clearence to get on her at a walk. She was so anxious to get a bridle on it was very amusing. I've never seen a horse so anxious to work. I hope that Roze makes a full recovery soon and can get back into work, I adore her and I know she likes having a job.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Ty's Extreme Makeover
So it's been two weeks since Ty's been home and just about a month since I officially purchased him. Ty's been made over from pasture ornament to being a sport horse prospect extraordinaire. Ty's makeover began with his gelding. Since he's been home he's been properly groomed.
Yesterday my farrier tackled his feet. Ty has a mild club foot and since his feet were left to get too long they are very out of balance. Ty made it through his trimming pretty well, he didn't like his one back foot being picked up but otherwise he was pretty cooperative. His feet look amazingly better and his club foot looks a lot less extreme. My farrier will be back in two - three weeks to trim him again and will do so for the next couple of times until his feet are balanced and growing correctly again.
Today the vet was out to do Ty's teeth. Once he took his gallop around the pasture and let me catch him he was quite good about being handled by the vet, of course a little dose of drugs didn't hurt. Ty had a number of points on his teeth and had a wolf tooth pulled, he should be feeling much happier in his mouth in the next couple of days and will be officially ready for work!
Yesterday my farrier tackled his feet. Ty has a mild club foot and since his feet were left to get too long they are very out of balance. Ty made it through his trimming pretty well, he didn't like his one back foot being picked up but otherwise he was pretty cooperative. His feet look amazingly better and his club foot looks a lot less extreme. My farrier will be back in two - three weeks to trim him again and will do so for the next couple of times until his feet are balanced and growing correctly again.
Today the vet was out to do Ty's teeth. Once he took his gallop around the pasture and let me catch him he was quite good about being handled by the vet, of course a little dose of drugs didn't hurt. Ty had a number of points on his teeth and had a wolf tooth pulled, he should be feeling much happier in his mouth in the next couple of days and will be officially ready for work!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tonight We Lunged
So tonight I put Ty on the lunge line, he did extremely well for the first time. I worked him for 10 minutes at most. He was really good going to the left, that seems to be his better side. It was hard for him to figure out that he could go to the right, but we eventually got a few circles and then called it a night. When I tell him to whoa he always walks up to me and stops, I guess there are downsides to the join up game, but he's very polite about coming in so we'll work on that a bit later on. Ty's going to be off for a few days, we'll probably get back to work this weekend. My trainer will be up on Sunday to work with us and I'm sure she'll have some new exercises then. Considering Ty has likely been handled more in the last two weeks then his entire life his willingness to please is extraordinary.

Two Hours & One Bottle of Conditioner Later
We were finally able to get the dread lock that was Ty's tail out. It was amazing how tight it had wrapped up. Ty has a lot of hair so it was not easy. I'm sure I ripped a lot of it out but he now has a combed out tail. He stood pretty well for the process, we did let him have his dinner while we worked on the tail but otherwise he tolerated us. He wasn't too fond of water being sprayed on him so that will be something we will work on in the coming days, but at least his tail is back to normal. I'll have to get pictures of him tonight, I didn't get to take any before pictures as I was mostly intent on spending my time getting the knot out. I'm hoping to get out to lunge Ty a bit tonight. He gets his feet done tomorrow and his teeth done on Thursday so we'll give him a couple days off while he recovers from his procedures.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Oh the surprises...
I didn't have much time to spend at the barn this evening, but wanted to spend a few minutes handling and grooming Ty. He's in need of a good farrier visit, which is scheduled for Wednesday. His feet are pretty dry so I wanted to get some conditioner on them tonight and it was another opportunity to work on him holding up his feet.
Since working with his feet went well, I decided to start working my way back to his tail and was hoping to make that look a little more presentable. I hadn't ventured towards his back end since last week when we put him on the trailer and I got a swift kick to remind me I had gotten too close, I likely bumped him in an area that was still tender from his gelding, but I wasn't taking any chances of heading towards his back end until he was more comfortable with me. Tonight as I ventured towards brushing out his tail, I found the largest rats nest I've ever come across. The very top part of his tail hangs down normally and just under that is the largest mat of hair I've ever seen! I don't know if we'll get it out, but we put half of a bottle of baby oil on it. We'll see what we can save, the rest of it will be chopped off. The good thing with hair is that it grows back. Every day has truly brought up new surprises both good and bad. I can't wait to see Ty in a year when he's conditioned and all groomed up to show.
Since working with his feet went well, I decided to start working my way back to his tail and was hoping to make that look a little more presentable. I hadn't ventured towards his back end since last week when we put him on the trailer and I got a swift kick to remind me I had gotten too close, I likely bumped him in an area that was still tender from his gelding, but I wasn't taking any chances of heading towards his back end until he was more comfortable with me. Tonight as I ventured towards brushing out his tail, I found the largest rats nest I've ever come across. The very top part of his tail hangs down normally and just under that is the largest mat of hair I've ever seen! I don't know if we'll get it out, but we put half of a bottle of baby oil on it. We'll see what we can save, the rest of it will be chopped off. The good thing with hair is that it grows back. Every day has truly brought up new surprises both good and bad. I can't wait to see Ty in a year when he's conditioned and all groomed up to show.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I Did Buy a Crazy Arab, Right?
I was back at the barn this afternoon to work with Ty. In the pasture he has good and bad days when I go to catch him. Last night he was determined to not let me catch him and we spent about 20 minutes with him running around the pasture. This evening he thought about running once and then promptly walked up to me, realizing the simplest path.
I took him inside and decided to introduce him to a saddle pad. He stepped sideways about twice and then stood perfectly still while I rubbed and flopped it all over him. Ty continues to impress me as he has taken every new thing in stride and seems very unflappable. Ty has also never been taught to lift his feet. We've been working on his front feet the last couple of days. Today I decided he was being good and I was going to push my luck and try to get him to hold up all four feet today. While he stood perfectly still in the middle of the ring he let me pick up all four feet, hold them for about a minute and tap on them. I worked on getting him to join up a little more and I only had to chase him for a second before he promptly followed me around the ring. We walked all over and changed directions often and he stayed right by my shoulder.
My friends were out today so once I felt he had gotten the join up idea I went to chat with my friends, Ty followed and stood with me for almost an hour while I chatted with my friends. He of course enjoyed the occasional treat and loved the pets and scratches my friends were willing to share. I had to take a close look at him today to make sure that I in fact did purchase an Arab who was only four years old and has had very little handling. Ty seems to not be fazed by much, he's curious but not afraid of much. I hope that it will continue as I continue to introduce him to new things.
I took him inside and decided to introduce him to a saddle pad. He stepped sideways about twice and then stood perfectly still while I rubbed and flopped it all over him. Ty continues to impress me as he has taken every new thing in stride and seems very unflappable. Ty has also never been taught to lift his feet. We've been working on his front feet the last couple of days. Today I decided he was being good and I was going to push my luck and try to get him to hold up all four feet today. While he stood perfectly still in the middle of the ring he let me pick up all four feet, hold them for about a minute and tap on them. I worked on getting him to join up a little more and I only had to chase him for a second before he promptly followed me around the ring. We walked all over and changed directions often and he stayed right by my shoulder.
My friends were out today so once I felt he had gotten the join up idea I went to chat with my friends, Ty followed and stood with me for almost an hour while I chatted with my friends. He of course enjoyed the occasional treat and loved the pets and scratches my friends were willing to share. I had to take a close look at him today to make sure that I in fact did purchase an Arab who was only four years old and has had very little handling. Ty seems to not be fazed by much, he's curious but not afraid of much. I hope that it will continue as I continue to introduce him to new things.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Welcome to our blog. Since bringing home Ty I've decided to document his progress here as well as other interesting events that occur in my life with my horses. Bringing home a very green 4 year old who was recently gelded should make for some interesting events and I thought I'd share my experiences here.
Ty is a very sweet guy who just doesn't have a clue on what he's supposed to do with himself other than to charm those who share treats with him. He was gelded two weeks ago and has been home with me for a week. He's had his first trailer ride and has begun to learn how to lead. He has also learned to come when he's called, which is something I've yet to teach Roze. Today we put the bridle on him and after a little chewing he seemed to accept the bit very well.
Ty's had a big two weeks and its just the beginning. Plans are to put the bridle on him again tomorrow and get him to join up again. Next week we'll start lunging him and we're hoping to have him saddled in about a month. It should be quite an adventure...
Ty is a very sweet guy who just doesn't have a clue on what he's supposed to do with himself other than to charm those who share treats with him. He was gelded two weeks ago and has been home with me for a week. He's had his first trailer ride and has begun to learn how to lead. He has also learned to come when he's called, which is something I've yet to teach Roze. Today we put the bridle on him and after a little chewing he seemed to accept the bit very well.
Ty's had a big two weeks and its just the beginning. Plans are to put the bridle on him again tomorrow and get him to join up again. Next week we'll start lunging him and we're hoping to have him saddled in about a month. It should be quite an adventure...
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Ty's first day home |
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